It's been crazy these past couple of weeks. Crazy good.
Nathan got into the Head Start program this year and we're really glad because it's perfect for his transition from a faith based pre-school to Elementary school when he turns 5 next year. He wasn't picked last year and even though there was a long waiting list, he made it. God keeps showing up for us and we are so grateful.
See how excited my baby is?
He's been looking forward to "real school" all summer. I tried explaining to him that Kindergarten doesn't start until next year, but as far as he's concerned, not going to his regular daycare for pre-k 4 is "real school". Why rain on his parade?
He's wearing his "I will make history" shirt :)
As other kids cried and clung to their moms, I was pretty chuffed to see him so independent. The tears we had to wipe were those of Alexis'. She didn't see why she couldn't stay.
She had already claimed her own seat in his class :')
As I watched them, I was reminded of how blessed I am. I do not take God's blessings for granted. This verse of scripture expresses my heart's desire. I don't ever want to lose sight of how important my job as a mom is as I pursue my dreams.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 John 1:4
My first day of school
Unlike Nathan, my first day day of school started off pensive. Thankfully, it didn't stay that way and I tweeted this picture in the middle of my first class. Teacher was teaching, Gbemi was tweeting. See my life? :P

By the time classes were over, I was sure that going back to school was the right choice. I wasn't afraid anymore. Errr.. that is not entirely true... I'm still afraid of Algebra. So afraid, I didn't register for any math courses this semester at all. The fear is reeeeaaaallll!!!!
In the weeks leading up to resumption, I was afraid. Thankfully, all that fear served a good purpose. My fear drove me to my knees and as I took time to reflect and ask God for direction, I closely examined my career choices and realized that while Fashion Merchandising was a good career option, I wasn't passionate about it. It was familiar and wouldn't be hard to study, but as I tried to answer the question:
"what would you be doing if financial reward wasn't an issue?"
I knew I wouldn't pick fashion. I would not do it for free.
What I would do, which I am already doing for free and which I absolutely love, is being there to listen and offer encouragement when people share their cares and concerns about love and marriage. It gives me a lot of pleasure to see people find love and to see marriages thrive, especially if the couple had given up before. Watching God restore marriages, praying along with those who need it and just sowing seeds of love. I love researching possible solutions to issues, so that I can do more than pray or say "it is well". If you follow me on twitter, you already know I can go on and on and on, talking about love, God's way. I have since been named "Aunty Ifesowapo" by Atoke.
@gbemisoke is a Love Ambassador. No shame. I often get DMs and Emails with requests for prayers, questions or advice and I find myself carrying burdens of people I barely know because I have come to realize that beneath the strong facades we try to put up, we are all the same, we want to love and be loved. The reason a lot of people suffer in silence is that we think our problems are exclusive to us, so we plaster on our practiced smiles and say "it is well". Jesus did not die for us to endure such pain. I am not ashamed to say that I struggle too. I have issues, questions, imperfections and it bothers me when I cannot do more than pray. I like searching for answers and I love to share them.
I have since changed my major and I'm studying to become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. A Psychology degree is a requirement for a Masters in MFT, which I need to be licensed to practice. I studied Business Administration back home, so I'm doing Psychology first. It's going to take me so much longer to finish school, but I don't mind at all. I'm so passionate about love and how to make it work, I don't mind putting in all the years of study, just so that I can move beyond empathy to helping people find solutions. One part of me thinks I'm crazy. Debola is convinced I am on the right path and he has been very supportive, patiently listening as I went on and on (and on and on and on), trying to clarify the random thoughts in my head, praying with me as I asked God what He really wants me to do with my life, and just being there... I do not take all of that for granted. Having a supportive partner is such a great blessing.
When the day comes that I am weary, I will come back to this post and hopefully, I will be reminded of this joy and immense sense of gratitude that I feel and I will find the strength to keep going, to keep smiling as I did on the first day of school :)
I've stopped taking on sewing projects so that I can focus on my family and school for now and I'm hoping that as soon as I settle properly into this "adult education" thing, I'll be able to blog more.
Thanks for coming by again and again,
May your dreams come true